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Guidance is considered as an integral part of the total educational process. Through the different services of the Guidance Program the students are assisted to achieve maximum development of their potentials leading to the attainment of their goals for success in life. The program is holistic, developmental and preventive in nature, non-discriminatory as well as gender sensitive program utilizing a multi-cultural approach.


Objectives of the University Guidance Program

1. Develops among the students an awareness of their innate talents and abilities, aptitudes, interests and personality through a variety of guidance tools and techniques;

2. Provides direction to the academic, education, social and personal life of students;

3. Assists clients in managing conflicts, concerns, problems on adjustments and decision making in life;

4. Coordinates with school and community agencies that could offer reference organizations and agencies for the in-school and out-of-school placement of students and graduates;

5. Stimulates the involvement of graduates in improving the curriculum and the school itself;

6. Develops an integrated person with a high level of self-understanding the ability to effect change while relating with others, and with deep positive values both in the school and the community as a whole.




Information and Orientation Service. Provides informative activities and materials designed to facilitate student adjustment to life in the university/college education.  The unit provides information to students on the various essential facets of the institution with emphasis on the University/Collegeโ€™s Vision and Mission; retention policies; Guidance services; Conduct /Discipline and other student services which could facilitate their adjustment of students as they go through college. There is a regular comprehensive orientation program held for new and continuing students responsive to their needs.



Information Drive. There are regular Information Drives designed for each year level that provide information to develop soft skills. 


Counseling. It is a specialized service of guidance and basically an enabling process, designed to help students come to terms with his/her life and grow to greater maturity through learning to take responsibility and to make decisions for himself/herself. It can be done individually or by group depending on the studentโ€™s choice and need.


Career Counseling. It is a process that will help students to know and understand themselves and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.


Appraisal. Gathers information about students through the use of psychological test and non-psychometric devices.


Cumulative Records of Students (CuReS). Collects and maintains relevant information about the studentsโ€™ personal/educational, health conditions, family background, test data, disability records, etc. These records are appropriate, usable and regularly updated. 


Career Counseling. Facilitates intervention process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions.


Familiarization Interview. The freshmen are individually invited at the guidance office to verify the information reflected in their CuReS (GC-Form) and to deal more with new students


Testing Service. This is a service which is designed to obtain valuable information concerning the psychological make-up of the students in terms of mental ability, achievements, interests, aptitudes and personality characteristics which in turn leads to improvement of instruction and adjustment. 


Exit Interview. All graduating and non-graduating students who will leave the university are required to undergo in the exit interview. The exit interview is available by schedule for graduating students at the end of each current semester. The general feedback/comments/suggestions of graduating students may be submitted to the dean for perusal and improvement of student services.


Follow-Up. It is a systematic monitoring that determines the effectiveness of guidance activities. 


Referral. The university has clear system of coordination with a multi -disciplinary team of specialists to ensure that special needs of students are met. 


Peer Facilitation Program. It is a program designed to prepare students who are interested to volunteer as peer facilitators to recognize co-learners with emotional and psychological concerns and refer them to the guidance office.  They will also be able to facilitate psycho-educational activities like group dynamics and processing in order to help those who are in need.



Other Services

Issuance of Admission Slips. Studentsโ€™ attendance and participation in all school activities are strictly monitored. Those who fail to attend their classes are required to secure admission slips from the guidance office. The counselor will conduct interview, and if it is necessary, they will undergo counseling.