General Information
Duties and Responsibilities
Every student shall:
- Love God and his fellowmen as he loves himself.
- Strive to lead a virtues and useful life.
- Observe the Code of Student Conduct promulgated by the university.
- Do his best to develop his potentials for service, specially by undergoing an education suited to his abilities so that he may become an asset to society.
- Respect the customs and traditions of our people, its duly constituted authorities, the laws of the land, and the rules and policies of the university.
- Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare and in the attainment of a just, orderly and compassionate society.
- Help in the exercise of individual and social rights, the strengthening of freedom, and enhancement of cooperation among communities and regions in the pursuit of national progress.
- Uphold the academic and moral integrity of the university by trying to achieve excellence and moral uprightness.
- Promote and preserve the peace and order in the university by observing the rules on discipline and harmonious relationship with fellow students and with the university personnel.
- Exercise his rights responsively in the knowledge that he is answerable to God for any violation of the general welfare and of the rights of the others.